Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
Canoness is one - first you have to be religious, have little money, no house have more. And we have-the Seiffertitz have inherited nothing, because no men were gone. The Lutteroti have taken over everything, the whole seat, three houses, a chapel, everything. And studied my mother, who has toiled, when Professor Klesil, which was the most famous psychiatrist from Switzerland. And who has ever heard: "Baroness, visit chommet me?" And the mother would come and have a nice time and then replaced in this way, what has she seen such crazy people with severely depressed or not. And so I've become pen lady. And as I said, 'Mom, now I was eleven years in the monastery and back pin lady. No, I do not like! " I already know what it is. And at that time - was the Mother Superior was a mirror box, which is a born Bianchi. And who said, "Oh, Jesse," I have heard from others, "the Bianca comes. Now it'll be like." I came into the pen, there was no water, I'm in the kitchen - to the end I had no water. I'm in the bathroom had no heater, no hot water. There was nothing there! Then a man came from the state government and has said: "What's your name?" I said: "Seiffertitz." - "What! A Seiffertitz are you? "I say," Yes! "He was the friend of my cousin, who was killed in France. Is it nice. That's kind of - that comes together everything. And he said," Write, what you need. "And so I said:" I at least need a bath. I need a boiler. I must have because otherwise I will not stay there. "And so I got everything. And later I became a Mother Superior. And the mirror box was seriously ill, then I have cared for them and have seen that they also get a bathroom.